Outdoor adventure gear logo with mountains.


Brand Identity + Logo, Brand Guidelines, Web Design, Machine Wrap & Signage, Collaterals & Graphic Design.

TrailQuipt’s founder came to Graphic Finesse with plans for a custom vending machine equipped with bear spray for visitors of our region’s national parks. And this was before Coronavirus and Covid, a round of applause to him for being ahead of the contactless craze! From the casual visitor to the backcountry enthusiast, TrailQuipt conveniently equips your next adventure with our innovative grab-and-go bear spray rental locker system. TrailQuipt was founded for the convenience and safety of people like you. It is our goal that everyone who enters grizzly country has the tools and the knowledge to safely enjoy all that the Yellowstone ecosystem has to offer.
We knew the outdoor world of brands was saturated so we needed a logo and brand of our own that would hold its own
We knew the outdoor world of brands was saturated so we needed a logo and brand of our own that would hold its own
TrailQuipt Bear Spray custom vending machine web design Montana
TrailQuipt Bear Spray custom vending machine web design Montana
Brand Standards and Logo Guidelines
Brand Standards and Logo Guidelines
TrailQuipt Website
TrailQuipt Website
TrailQuipt custom vending machine equipped with bear spray.
TrailQuipt custom vending machine equipped with bear spray.
Environmental Branding and Design for custom vending machine equipped with bear spray.
Environmental Branding and Design for custom vending machine equipped with bear spray.


The goal for TrailQuipt was to create a brand that would grab your attention while fitting in with the likes of other outdoor companies from around the world.


Timing. Fabrication of custom vending machines took place overseas, which was affected by the global Coronavirus Pandemic. Despite the delay we knew we still needed to lay the groundwork for a successful launch.


The outdoor world is full of brand enthusiasts that proudly display their loyalty at any opportunity they can. We knew the outdoor world of brands was saturated so we needed a logo and brand of our own that would hold its own and look good while simultaneously being unique enough to grab attention.


The launch of TrailQuipt is scheduled for spring 2021. Gearing up for this launch, Ryan has the assets he needs to announce his business to adventurers traveling near and far to explore Yellowstone National Park.
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Web Design, Logo Design and Brand Development for Trailquipt in Montana

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Our team combines strategy, research, business, communications, and design-forward thinking to develop meaningful, differentiated, and authentic brands.

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Pamela John
Graphic Finesse brings just the right mix of professionalism and excitement to your business. Individually, Aaron and Genia are creative geniuses. Put them together and their creative energy shines with incredible outside-the-box ideas customized to your brand and specifications. I've got five bucks that says Graphic Finesse can tell your company's story better than you can!
Amanda Boerboom
Amazing experience, easy to work with and would recommend to anyone!
Kulin Strimbu
Tima Travel
We had such a wonderful experience with Graphic Finesse! They were kind, prompt, courteous, professional - and really came through for my company in a pinch. If I could give them more than five stars, I definitely would! Great company and fantastic people.
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Helping companies grow through brand development, strategy, and design in Billings, Bozeman & throughout Montana.
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