The Brand Wagon

Build a Strong Business from the Inside Out.

Want to build a strong and lasting business? I hope everyone is raising their hand to that question. The key to building a strong business is simple, company culture and branding. Maybe you're thinking, "Branding. Okay, I know what that is, but company culture, huh? What's that?" A company's culture can be hard to identify, especially if the company has never really focused on it previously. Company culture is established through a collection of things such as founder values, employee morale, company communication, workplace norms, staff benefits, etc. 

What came first? Brand or Company Culture?

That's a mighty fine question. What I've come to realize is that brand and culture are symbiotic parts of a larger whole. And maybe it isn't so much about which one comes before the other - but that they influence each other, constantly. Maybe it's better to say it this way... A brand is the outward manifestation of a company's DNA, i.e. logo, product packaging, imagery, etc. While the culture is the what's on the inside, what DNA is actually made of. For all the science buffs reading this, hopefully, someone is reading this, that would technically be what's known as polynucleotides which are composed of nucleotides (CGAT anyone?). Okay, enough of that science mumbo-jumbo, back to company culture and branding. Company culture influences all business functions ranging from production, marketing, all the way to accounting. Company culture is what everyone from management to entry-level employees should know, understand, and practice. You can read more about a great place to start on establishing company culture, here.

Company Culture Is What Your Business Stands For.

For a business to be strong, it's company culture and branding should never be separate. Unfortunately for many businesses they are. Culture building tactics often fall under HR and marketing departments typically spearhead branding. If you aren't developing a mutually reinforcing, interdependent relationship between branding and culture, you're missing the ability to unleash their combined power. 

What happens if your company's brand and culture aren't aligned?

I don't know if I can stress this enough... A disconnect between what your company values on the inside and how it is perceived on the outside can damage customer relationships. Customers have the ability to see if you're operating the way you say you are and if they sense any inauthenticity - they won't hesitate to take their business somewhere else.

Two Sides of the Same Coin

The culture of your company determines how your employees will interact with customers and third parties, which directly impacts the image your business is portraying to the public. In a sense, through interaction with your employees, you're giving your customers and vendors an "insider look" into your company. They are then able to get an idea of what your company is all about, not only your product or service but your company values and beliefs. All of which give meaning to why you exist as a business. So when you give your business a purpose people can relate to,  suddenly your business becomes a brand everyone involved with can proudly advocate for. You've created strong and powerful brand champions! #winning All because you've taken the time to ensure happy employees through an authentic and strong company culture that is the second side to the branding coin.  

Unsure of how to ensure that your brand and company culture are in-sync? Start by giving us a call at (406) 534-9851.

We've been honored to help walk companies, just like yours, through the steps of crafting a strong company culture and brand image that has helped them gain a competitive advantage in their industry. We'd love to help you and your business grow because your image is our business. 


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